December, 2023

Visit from the Prefect of Hérault

Visit from the Prefect of Hérault

On Friday 15 December 2023, Predict was pleased to welcome François-Xavier Lauch, Prefect of the Hérault department, accompanied by Frédéric Roig, President of the AMF 34 (Association of Mayors and Presidents of Intercommunal Bodies in the Hérault department), Bernard Jahnich, Vice President in charge of risks for the Lodévois and Larzac Community of Municipalities, and Frederic Lafforgue, Mayor of Castelnau-le-Lez.

Visit from the Prefect of Hérault

Discussions focused on risk management, consultation and the complementary nature of the players involved in risk management.

The innovative solutions deployed by Predict in France and around the world to anticipate and manage risk phenomena and protect users were also presented.