At a time when the beginning of the year was marked by the first major storm in north-west France, Predict takes a look back at 2024 through its climate risk barometer.
The past year has been marked by major climatic events, the impacts of which have raised questions about the vulnerability of our territories.
The Predict Services 2024 Barometer takes a look back at the major hydrometeorological risks in France and around the world, and highlights the challenges to be met in terms of anticipation and adaptation.
Predict Services provides day-to-day support to risk managers in France and abroad, analysing these phenomena and how they are changing, and drawing up an assessment of the climate risk phenomena that have affected territories.
Click here to consult the 2024 Barometer
On 30 January 2025, Karine Moreau was a guest on the TF1 news channel. She spoke about the flooding in Normandy and Brittany.
To read the full article on TF1, click here.
On 28 January 2025, Alix Roumagnac was invited by BFM TV to talk about the historic floods affecting the departments of Morbihan, Ille-et-Vilaine and Loire-Atlantique.
You can watch the whole programme on the BFM TV website.
Thunderstorms, intense rainfall, flooding… the events that have impacted our regions in recent months have once again highlighted the need to adapt to climatic risks.
At local level, there are a number of preventive measures in place to help identify and take appropriate action. For over 10 years, Groupama-Predict has been providing day-to-day support to local authorities in drawing up their Plans Communaux de Sauvegarde (PCS) and their DICRIM, and in providing real-time information in the event of risk.
At the Salon des Maires et des Collectivités Locales in Paris from November 19 to 21, Groupama-Predict engineers will be on hand to present the climate risk adaptation solutions included in your local authority insurance policy.
Groupama-Predict stand
Meet us at the Porte de Versailles exhibition center, Hall 2.2 – stand D62.
For more information about the show, click here.
Alix Roumagnac took part in the “Génération transformons la France” podcast organized by La Tribune Events on November 13, 2024.
Accompanied by Raphaëlle Duchemin, he tells the story of Predict Service on the show.
Find the podcast on YouTube by clicking here.
On October 17, 2024, Alix Roumagnac was a guest on Midi Libre to present the current Cevenol episode.
Click here to read the article.
On October 17, 2024, Alix Roumagnac spoke to France 3 Occitanie about the heavy flooding in the Gard and Lozère regions.
Read the full article here: France 3 Occitanie
On 7 October, Alix Roumagnac was the guest on TF1‘s news programme to talk about Predict Services’ role in helping local authorities prepare for hydro-meteorological events.
To read the full article on TF1, click here.
On Friday 30 August 2024, Alix Roumagnac took part in the annual presentation on rainfall and flood risk management.
The event provided an opportunity to remind the region’s residents of the risks they face in the event of flooding, and the steps they should take in the event of danger.
To read the full article, click here.
On 31 August 2024, Alix Roumagnac was invited by BFM TV to talk about the thunderstorms that have affected 7 départements : Gironde, Landes, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Morbihan, Loire-Atlantique, Vendée and Charente-Maritime.
You can watch the whole programme on the BFM TV website.
Climate change and intensive urbanisation have increased the risk of flooding, posing unprecedented challenges for municipalities. AI4FLOOD was born out of the urgent need to develop proactive responses, combining cutting-edge technology and citizen participation to improve prevention and response capacity in the face of these natural disasters. An innovation and cross-border collaboration project for the prevention, protection and preparation for flood-related emergencies.
Kick-off meeting on 18 january 2024
AI4FLOOD is an innovative project that uses artificial intelligence to anticipate floods, providing communities with advanced tools for early detection and effective management of flood risk. This cross-border project combines efforts between Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Navarre and Gipuzkoa to create safer and more resilient communities, uniting entities and businesses from all three regions.
This project has been 65% co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg VI-A Spain-France-Andorra programme (POCTEFA 2021-2027) and will run for 4 years. The aim of the POCTEFA is to strengthen the economic and social integration of the Spain-France-Andorra border area.
Project partners
On 13 November 2023, Alix Roumagnac was the guest of Jean-François Achilli and Bérengère Bonte on France info, to talk about the flooding in Pas-de-Calais.
You can watch the whole program on the France info website : France info.