France 3 Occitanie – A “very serious” Cevenol episode underway

On October 17, 2024, Alix Roumagnac spoke to France 3 Occitanie about the heavy flooding in the Gard and Lozère regions.

Read the full article here: France 3 Occitanie

Salon Horizon Climatique in Toulon

On Wednesday October 2, Predict took part in the “Salon Horizon Climatique”, a first-of-its-kind event organized by the Var Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Métropole Toulon Provence Méditerranée.

The one-day event gave visitors the opportunity to discuss the vulnerability of businesses to risk, and how warning and decision-support systems can help them to better prepare for these increasingly risky phenomena.

La Gazette de Montpellier – How Montpellier is preparing for the risk of flooding

On Friday 30 August 2024, Alix Roumagnac took part in the annual presentation on rainfall and flood risk management.

The event provided an opportunity to remind the region’s residents of the risks they face in the event of flooding, and the steps they should take in the event of danger.

To read the full article, click here.

Presentation of the Gade Lapli Project at the Spatial Climate Observatory Congress

Invited by CNES (Centre National d’Etude Spatial) to the Spatial Climate Observatory Congress on May 30, 2023 at Bercy, Predict presented the Gade Lapli project. This project provides indicators and services using satellite data to estimate rainfall and flood areas. Tested on the highly vulnerable territory of Haiti, the operational objective (warning, crisis management) also serves to understand climate change by identifying and characterizing extreme events.