December, 2021

The 4th edition of the coastal exhibition: “Towards zero impact?”

The 4th edition of the coastal exhibition: “Towards zero impact?”

Contribute to the resilience of Mediterranean territories, thanks to increased prevention of climate risks

Committed to the fight against climate change, Predict Services was present on November 23 and 24 at the Salon du littoral, the event dedicated to Mediterranean issues and focused this year on “zero impact”.

As we are both a player in climate risk management and based in Montpellier, a city on the Mediterranean coast, it is important for us to contribute to the resilience of Mediterranean territories, thanks to increased prevention of climate risks on the coast. These risks (flooding, drought, forest fires, marine submersion among others) are increasingly numerous and intense, which is why we must prepare for them.

During the coastal exhibition, we have the analysis of coastal risks in current and future climate as well as solutions to face them.