March, 2023

Training of the National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics of Angola at Predict

Training of the National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics of Angola at Predict

Within the framework of a project supported by Meteo France International (MFI), Predict received, from March 27 to 31, a delegation from the Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofísica (INAMET), the national meteorological service of Angola, for a training session dedicated to the improvement of their preventive measures and flood risk management.

This training, jointly provieded by MFI and Predict, reponds to the need to strengthen Angola’s hydro-meteorological risk forecasting and early warning for all.

At the end of this informative week, which included meetings with various Frech risk management partners and actors, members’ INAMET were awarded their diplomas.

Remise des Diplômes aux membres de l'INAMET. © Predict Services