May, 2023

A look back at the first week of Prépa’Risk exercises

A look back at the first week of Prépa’Risk exercises

A total of 490 local authorities took part in the first exercises organized by the Association Française pour la Prévention des Catastrophes Naturelles et Technologiques (AFPCNT), with the support of the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Civile et Gestion Crise (DGSCGC) and Predict.

During simulations of storms, dam bursts, cyclones and volcanoes, participants were able to test their organizations and protection systems.
Thanks to the information sent regularly by SMS and directly on the dedicated platform, the local authorities were able to put themselves into situation. 76% of players were satisfied with the realism of the scenarios proposed.

A look back at the first week of Prépa’Risk exercises

Prépa’Risk includes exercise scenarios for each of the 13 major risks. To register for future exercises scheduled until June 22, go to : www.preparisk.fr

Faced with major risks, we’re all concerned, we’re all prepared !